In the event of a fire in your place of business, you will want a system in place that will both eliminate the fire without causing catastrophic damage to your mission critical equipment, information and products. And that’s where clean agent fire suppression comes in. Recently, many businesses have been upgrading their fire protection systems with clean agent fire protection. But, what is it exactly? The experts at Hard Fire are here to answer this very question and help you better assess what kind of fire suppression is best for your Columbus area business. So, what is clean agent fire suppression? A clean agent is electrically nonconductive; nonvolatile, people safe gaseous fire extinguishing means that do not leave a residue upon evaporation and is a fast, clean way to put out a fire without using water. Clean agents inhibit the chain reaction that unfolds between heat, oxygen and a fuel source that ignites a potentially all-consuming blaze. Thus, clean agents are the i...
Fire safety & fire protection are our specialty at Hard Fire Suppression Systems, an OH owned business with experience in life safety & and fire suppression.