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Showing posts with the label fire suppression system

Types of Businesses that Can Benefit from a Dry Fire Suppression System

If you’re in an office or other commercial building, look around and you are likely to see a sprinkler system of some sort. You might assume that in the case of a fire, water will spray down from the ceiling. But, did you know there are actually different types of sprinkler systems? The two most commonly used systems are the wet fire sprinkler and the dry fire sprinkler systems. What is a dry fire suppression system? We are here to tell you! The experts at Hard Fire are here to provide information about what a dry fire suppression system can do for your Cleveland business as well as what kinds of businesses benefit from installing a dry fire suppression system. For one, dry systems are deal for use in structures where temperatures will reach freezing. If and when temperatures drop below freezing, the pipes are not in danger of freezing as they are with their wet sprinkler system counterparts. Fragile equipment and documents all need protection. And that includes insurance poli

Be Proactive with Your Business’ Fire Suppression

When it comes to fire suppression for your business, it is essential to be proactive. Is your commercial fire suppression system still up to code? If you have an old, outdated or bare bones fire suppression system in your office building you aren’t doing everything you can to ensure safety for those who work there every day. Be proactive! Passive fire protection isn’t enough to keep everyone safe. When it comes down to it, your best line of defense is having a current, tested and monitored system that works. At Hard Fire, we specialize in commercial fire suppression for Columbus and know just how important it is to have the right system that works. We will go directly to you to custom design a comprehensive commercial fire suppression system for your unique business. Then we will build it and monitor it thereafter. We are constantly on top of the latest technology in fire suppression so we hate to see situations where companies don’t stay up-to-date on the latest and the greates

We Answer the Question: What is Clean Agent Fire Suppression?

In the event of a fire in your place of business, you will want a system in place that will both eliminate the fire without causing catastrophic damage to your mission critical equipment, information and products. And that’s where clean agent fire suppression comes in. Recently, many businesses have been upgrading their fire protection systems with clean agent fire protection. But, what is it exactly? The experts at Hard Fire are here to answer this very question and help you better assess what kind of fire suppression is best for your Columbus area business. So, what is clean agent fire suppression? A clean agent is electrically nonconductive; nonvolatile, people safe gaseous fire extinguishing means that do not leave a residue upon evaporation and is a fast, clean way to put out a fire without using water. Clean agents inhibit the chain reaction that unfolds between heat, oxygen and a fuel source that ignites a potentially all-consuming blaze. Thus, clean agents are the i

When to Have Your Fire Suppression System Inspected

Are you wondering when it's necessary to have your fire suppression system inspected? If you're like most business owners, you might not have. That's OK. We can help you out, no matter how long it's been since your last inspection. Our team of Cincinnati fire suppression system experts is able to inspect any system and make the necessary repairs. Routine Inspections  Each fire suppression system comes with a recommended inspection routine from the manufacturer. It is advised to honor the inspection schedule. We can set up an annual inspection with you to ensure your system is working properly. Technology and requirements are upgraded all the time, so annual inspections can keep you on top of the game.  New Facility  If you have recently acquired a new facility, it is probably a good idea to have your fire suppression system examined by a professional. The previous owner may not have kept up with routine inspections. This could put you and your employees in danger